The world shows strong commitment to decarbonise its economy and the energy sector is considered one of the main enablers for achieving this.

The ambitious goal for the Flexible Energy Systems Integration and Optimization (FESIO) project, a joint research, development and innovation (RDI) initiative of Novia University of Applied Sciences (Novia) and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK), is to contribute to the paradigm change of the energy industry and to support the local region and companies of both of the UASs – the leading energy cluster in Nordic countries, the Vaasa region.
FESIO aims at executing cross-disciplinary RDI activities for improved research quality and competitiveness in four interlinked work packages, in collaboration with stakeholders within the applications of energy, marine (off grid), transport and logistics:
Energy system operation and maintenance (WP1)
Energy system integration (WP2)
Business models (WP3)
Ecosystem development (WP4)
​FESIO provides new and innovative opportunities for energy system management and optimization driven by artificial intelligence (AI). It strengthens the regional RDI expertise regarding energy storage and integration and enhances competences and ecosystem collaboration towards international acclaim. The project directly supports energy technology development for enabling a smoother transition to a lower carbon future.